Wanna Puzz?

Stanford Neighborhood Puzzle Piece Treasure Hunt

Illustration showing Stanford Neighborhood Visiting Artist Christine Wong inviting Stanford students to share, paint, design, and play the puzzle piece treasure hunt

This Winter and Spring, I’m inviting Stanford students to share, paint, design, and play the Stanford Neighborhoods’ Puzzle Piece Treasure Hunts.

community mapping illustration of students working at desks with maps

Community Mapping Workshops. SHARE stories about places in your neighborhood which matter to you. I’ll incorporate selected stories into a design representing your neighborhood.

a series of 8 designs stacked up, with the text, 8 neighborhoods, 8 designs
two people painting a large puzzle on the wall. one person is on a ladder

Painting Sessions. Help PAINT the designs on jumbo wooden puzzles.

Design Sessions. Work with fellow students to DESIGN a treasure hunt for your neighborhood. Write clues. Develop a theme. Decide where to hide the puzzle pieces.

illustration of students working at a board with sticky notes
a hand hiding a puzzle piece in a bookshelf

Neighborhood Treasure Hunts. PLAY the treasure hunt to find puzzle pieces hidden in your neighborhood.

people looking at a map. one person holds up a puzzle piece and smiles
the puzzle getting assembled, with trophy and a high-five

This 2023–2024 academic year, Christine Wong Yap is the Stanford Neighborhood Visiting Artist, hosted by Residential Education and the Office of the Vice President for the Arts.


Thanks to Deborah Cullinan, Ellen Oh, Edi Dai, Cole Shiflett, and Taylor Jones.